Vanillaware, the storytellers behind Odin Sphere and Dragon’sCrown, craft a sci-fi mystery epic spanning thirteen intertwiningstories.
Uncover the truth and delve into a 2D sidescrolling adventurefeaturing gorgeous art and environments. Then, battle the kaiju infast-paced, top-down combat. Customize theSentinelswith anarsenal of mechsuit weaponry, and fight to defend humanity!
KurabeJuro Kurabe
A mild-mannered young high school student trying to live anormal life in the 80s. Rarely excited, he is fond of campyold sci-fi movies, with their giant robots and spaceinvasions. But it seems like everyone in his life is tryingto manipulate him for their own ominous ends...
FuyusakaIori Fuyusaka
She believes she's an ordinary high school girl, withdreams and crushes and a sweet tooth. However, she findsherself at the center of a massive conspiracy, called on tohelp stop an apocalypse before the world is doomed. Whatshe's not sure about is: can she really answer thatcall?
SekigaharaEi Sekigahara
A stoic young man with amnesia, Ei finds himself next to adead body without any memories of his past. Declared a boy"from another dimension", he's constantlypursued by armed gunmen in black suits, and often findshimself in intense life-or-death situations. Throughinvestigating the clues and people in 1985, he chases thetruth behind his lost memories...
MiuraKeitaro Miura
A dutiful young soldier from 1945, fiercely dedicated todefending his country. He'd lay down his life if itmeant saving even a single soul. Chosen as part of a secretmilitary program to pilot a new weapon called a"Sentinel", Miura soon discovers that his trueenemies lie beyond World War II...
YakushijiMegumi Yakushiji
A shy, composed girl of few words, with a nurturing domesticside. While she's devoted to her beloved, Juro, hehimself has lost all memory of their past relationship.Goaded on by a mysterious talking cat, she agrees to a"contract"--willing to go to any lengths torestore the boy she loves.
MinamiNatsuno Minami
A perky, friendly girl on her school’s track team who lovesa good sci-fi story. When she discovers a small robot hidingin the school, it seems like a story out of one of herfavorite movies. However, she finds herself drawn into amassive, apocalyptic conspiracy in which the danger of hershows becomes disturbingly real.
OgataNenji Ogata
A high school punk with a heart of gold. He prefers to punchfirst and ask questions later, so when he gets involved in aconvoluted conspiracy, most of the geek talk goes over hishead. Still, he's determined to bust through and savethe girl--even if he's resigned to her thinking he'sjust another thug.
GoutoRenya Gouto
A cold, brilliant young man who will use any means necessaryto find the truth. Gouto processes information and stunningrevelations with a calm, ready intelligence that baffles (oroutpaces) the adults around him. He's no villain, but heknows what's at stake, and what must be done.
ShinonomeRyoko Shinonome
An aloof agent desperate to prove her worth to herunrequited love (and mentor), Tetsuya Ida. A mission gonewrong left Ryoko with traumatic brain damage, and dependenton a medicine of unclear origins. Still, she fights throughthe mental fog and pain to untangle the conspiracies...
AmiguchiShu Amiguchi
An easygoing late-80s high-school playboy, quick to makefriends and quick to flirt. Tries not to take life tooseriously, whether it’s on his side or not. But when his TVturns on by itself, and an idol starts talking to himthrough it, begging for his help unraveling a mystery... herolls with it as best he can.
HijiyamaTakatoshi Hijiyama
A confident young Japanese soldier in the 1940s, displacedfrom his home and dropped into a city both foreign andfamiliar. Adrift, old-fashioned, and out of place, hestruggles to make sense of all the changes in his world...and then, after months of living as a solitary vagrant, hefinds the young man responsible for uprooting his life.
KisaragiTomi Kisaragi
A flippant, sly teenager. She often hangs out with her galpals after school, getting snacks and chatting like anyother, but she seems to know more than she lets on.Determined to investigate the mysteries of her fate, shesurreptitiously follows whatever lead she can, only todiscover even greater peril awaiting her...
TakamiyaYuki Takamiya
A surly delinquent who (reluctantly) infiltrates the schoolas a spy to save her best friend. Despite her disdain forher underhanded allies, she stubbornly seeks the truth wheneveryone else has something to hide. Tough and caustic, butshe's got a protective streak and a sharp mind.