32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (2025)

Table of Contents
1. Juno & Co.'s Clean 10 Cleansing Balmmade with a blend ofpearl barley and vitamin E to completely obliterate every speck of makeup on your face. Seriously, you'll feel so fresh and baby-faced, you'll wonder if that eyeliner was really as smudge-proof as you previously thought. 2. A wireless transmitter that plugs into a headphone jack, meaning you can DJ a long car ride via Bluetooth or get access to the free entertainment on a flight without having to — *shudder* — shell out for those tinny-sounding earbuds. 3. A set ofdrill brushes so effective, you'll be shocked how clean your bathroom used to be.Why spend the energy scrubbing when pressing a drill button will do the trick? It's so important to delegate. 4. A bottle of sulfate-free biotin shampoothat thousands of reviewers have said helped volumize their hair. The biotin can help fill out thinning hair and the nourishing ingredients likerosemary oil, zinc, andcoconut oil can help moisturize. 5. A pack of disposable shower hair catchersfor people who often forget to clean the drain after a shower and too squeamish to maintain a device like the TubShroom. You can just close your eyes and throw these away when they're too hair-infested. 6. A fungal nail renewal formulato revitalize your tootsies by thickening nails and reducing discoloration. Feel free to plan to wear open-toed shoes next week — reviewers started noticing a visible difference within days. 7. A garlic rockerthat's faster and easier to use than a traditional garlic press. It's also waayy easier to clean — best not dwell on the trauma of trying to fit a sponge into one of those things.😬 8. A roll ofmarble contact paperto give your home an instant dash of glamor. Reviewers like to use it on previously drab kitchen tables, bathroom counters, and Ikea furniture. 9. And a fancyswitch plate coverbecause HELLO everything in your home should be as fancy as you are. Luxury is just one screwdriver away. 10. An interlocking tool that lets you maintain your locs at home. It allows you to get closer to the scalp without painful pulling or snagging and automatically adjusts to fit your loc size so you can extend the time between trips to the salon. 11. An Erase-A-Hole putty to fill in pesky cracks in drywall, plaster, and wood so you can actually get that security deposit back, no matter how many holes you put into the wall. The super will not need to be called this time! 12. The I Love Trader Joe's Cookbookboasting 150 recipes that all incorporate ingredients found at everyone's favorite snack store. TJ's might not sell a lot of grocery staples, but they do have what you need to makechile and crab chowder, lamb loin with pomegranate reduction, and margarita pork chops! 13. ACatrice "Instant Awake" Under Eye Brightenertoexpertly conceal and brighten dark circles under your eyes. The lightweight, color-adapting formula blends so seamlessly under makeup that your old concealer will throw itself out. 14. An adjustable rod that hangs onto the one in your closet so you can double your storage space in a flash. There's no mounting hardware — just unbox and hang! 15. Ashoe stretch sprayif you have a pair of gorgeous loafers or boots you love but never wear...because of the agonizing pain that comes with it. This spray will gradually stretch them out without staining or fading and is likely more effective than the freezer trick. 16. A wildly popular hair serum packed with vitamin E, aloe vera, and argan oil to ensure your mane stays silky soft, and frizz-free, no matter how gross the weather gets. 17. Apiercing bump solutionmade with oils, including jojoba, grapeseed, and rose, to help gradually reduce the appearance of bumps and scars. Now that keloids can be managed, it might be time for that cartilage piercing you've always wanted. 18. Slow cooker liners so you don't have to yank the heavy pot out of the cooker to clean it. You can also use the heat-resistant liners to make two hearty fall stews at once. Bags! Gotta love 'em. 19. A set of thick velvet slipcovers to instantly transform your drab couch into something new and fabulous. Goodbye, stain-covered gray couch and HELLO new pink couch of my dreams. 20. Liquid plant food that's pretty much a multivitamin for your houseplant. If your green little buddy isn't growing as much as you'd like, consider a couple of drops of this elixir! 21. A Cat Dancer toy you can waggle in front of your feline whenever you wanna give them a proper workout. 22. A set of itty-bitty dermaplaning razors that will make quick work of peach fuzz, stray hairs, and eyebrows in need of a touch-up. They're designed with micro-guards, which means you don't have to worry about nicking yourself, even if you don't have the steadiest hand. Now, you can extend the time between threading appointments — or skip them altogether. 23. A set of ingenious sandwich cut-and-sealersso you can make your own Smucker's Uncrustables copycats at home. FINALLY we can all be reunited with the sadly discontinued grilled cheese variety. 24. AHoward Products Feed-N-Wax wood polish and conditionerto give your furniture an impossibly lustrous shine previously never seen in your home.The carnauba wax and beeswax enhance and protect your wood from drying out so you can keep your great grandmother's rocking chair in tip-top shape with just a few swipes. 25. Apet brushwith thin, long teeth capable of getting to the undercoat. A good brushing means a silkier coat, which means less shedding, WHICH MEANS less vacuuming! My greatest wish is to go one day without cleaning up dog hair. :') 26. Afloating bedside tableso you can keep all your nighttime essentials close by, even if you don't have room for a nightstand.The table clamps onto your bed frame, so there's no need to call your dad to borrow a drill. It holds up to 35 pounds (that's like 40 water bottles) and has a lifetime guarantee. 27. Agel lint rollerdesigned to fitin the palm of your hand, making it easy to throw in a bag for quick refreshes. It's reusable (just wash the lint and fur off), making it way more convenient than a paper roller, too. 28. A veggie spiralizer to create exciting noodles out of not-so-exciting vegetables. Zoodle alfredo, anyone??? Just pop your selected veggie in and crank the handle to take a trip to sweet potato carbonara. 29. A hair-finishing stick that works like a plant oil-covered mascara wand to flatten those annoying flyaway hairs on the back of your neck or around your hairline. 30. Or an edge control gel to help lay edges and baby hairs for a sleek look without the unwanted flaking and residue. It hydrates and helps strengthen your hair with the power beeswax and castor oil,and can be used on both wet and dry hair. 31. A sweet little fish who swims around in your humidifier tank, inhibiting the growth of buildup for up to 30 days. Now you can go longer between washes, and maybe avoid the dreaded brown sludge that appears in some humidifiers. 32. Soot sprite dryer balls that'll look sooo cute bouncing around in your dryer. Besides being adorable, theyreduce drying time, prevent wrinkles, and soften clothes, all without coating your stuff in a waxy residue like dryer sheets do. References

    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and itspublishingpartners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    These aren't "just won the lottery" life-changing, but certainly "I can't believe how much easier my to-list has gotten" day-changing.

    by Rebecca O'ConnellBuzzFeed Staff

    1. Juno & Co.'s Clean 10 Cleansing Balmmade with a blend ofpearl barley and vitamin E to completely obliterate every speck of makeup on your face. Seriously, you'll feel so fresh and baby-faced, you'll wonder if that eyeliner was really as smudge-proof as you previously thought.

    Juno & Co.is a small business specializing in personal care and skincare products.

    Promising review: "I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!!! I found it on TikTok, and OMG!! It works so well. I don't have to sit there and rub the crap out of my eyelashes to get the waterproof mascara off. I will admit it doesn't take 100% of the makeup off, but about 95% of my makeup comes off. It is not water-resistant, as emulsifying it with water helps take the makeup off. I have not found a better makeup remover, and yes that includes Micellar Water (which also works well but leaves my skin feeling oily).With this cleansing balm, my face feels hydrated and smooth. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!! 1000/10 would recommend!!!" —Deetje Frederick

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    2. A wireless transmitter that plugs into a headphone jack, meaning you can DJ a long car ride via Bluetooth or get access to the free entertainment on a flight without having to — *shudder* — shell out for those tinny-sounding earbuds.

    Promising review: "I'm impressed with the adapter. Worked perfectly so far. Sound quality is excellent. Please note there are many sound quality settings to rotate. Yes, it's annoying to be dealing mostly with a single button to do things, but that is inevitable to keeps costs down. Assuming it lasts long as it should, the device is excellent." —Uva

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99(available in two colors).

    3. A set ofdrill brushes so effective, you'll be shocked how clean your bathroom used to be.Why spend the energy scrubbing when pressing a drill button will do the trick? It's so important to delegate.

    The set comes with a 2-inch flat brush, a 4-inch flat brush, and a round brush. The drill isn't included, but you can grab a basic Black and Decker one ($29 on Amazon) that'll do the trick.

    Promising review: "I thought my hard water stains would never come off my shower doors, but I bought this awesome brush set, and it's amazing! I’ve tried all the hacks — drier sheets, clean erasers, lemon, vinegar — nothing works like this brush! I used Zep shower cleaner with it! In the picture, the side on the right is the part of the door I cleaned, and I still have to clean the left side." —Traci D.

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six colors and stiffness levels).

    4. A bottle of sulfate-free biotin shampoothat thousands of reviewers have said helped volumize their hair. The biotin can help fill out thinning hair and the nourishing ingredients likerosemary oil, zinc, andcoconut oil can help moisturize.

    Read more about how biotin shampoo could help with the fullness of hair at Cleveland Clinic.

    Maple Holistics is a small business that specializes in beauty products with all-natural ingredients. Check out a TikTok of the biotin shampoo in action.

    Promising review: "I love this shampoo! I had gastric sleeve surgery, and my hair was very, very thin. I started taking biotin and switched to biotin shampoo, as recommended by my doctor. It doesn’t make your hair grow by washing it, but it makes your hair and roots stronger. And it worked. After using the whole bottle, my hair was stronger. I had a lot of new growth that was sticking around (the previous new growth fell out early on), and my hair was getting thicker. Eight months later, my hair is back to normal. It's longer and thicker than ever."Diane J. Huff

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95(available in four scents).

    5. A pack of disposable shower hair catchersfor people who often forget to clean the drain after a shower and too squeamish to maintain a device like the TubShroom. You can just close your eyes and throw these away when they're too hair-infested.

    32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (7)


    Promising review: "For anyone with long hair, drainage clogging in the shower is a pain. So THANKS to whoever thought of such a simple but clever solution. They stick perfectly and the glue lasts like three weeks. It literally does not let a hair pass, and it's just so easy to place and remove. I wish I had known about this product before! A must-buy." —MER

    Get a 25-pack from Amazon for $11.99(also available in a 50-pack and 100-pack).

    6. A fungal nail renewal formulato revitalize your tootsies by thickening nails and reducing discoloration. Feel free to plan to wear open-toed shoes next week — reviewers started noticing a visible difference within days.

    To use, you just apply a thin layer twice a day (morning and night) to the affected area and under the edge of the nail for a week — after that, switch to applying once per day at night.

    Promising review: “I tried EVERYTHING! I tried tree tea oil for years and various different products. Nothing worked. The reviews were so great on this that I decided to try to cure it one more time. But when you have had a condition for 35 years, you aren’t too hopeful! I followed the suggestions of some of the reviewers and cut my toenails (I only had it on my big toes) everywhere that the fungus was present. Even below the quick. I started applying this gel, which is super easy to use. I swear to you that I noticed a difference after one application.” —WIAPilot

    Get it from Amazon for$17.85.

    7. A garlic rockerthat's faster and easier to use than a traditional garlic press. It's also waayy easier to clean — best not dwell on the trauma of trying to fit a sponge into one of those things.😬

    I cook with a shocking amount of garlic and I always hated dealing with my old garlic press. This one-piece solution is SO much better than the old-school tool! You simply place your peeled garlic under and rock at an angle; it minces just the same. This also comes with a (TBH, very cute) scraper *and* a silicone sleeve that'll help you peel your cloves in an instant.

    Promising review: "I like garlic very much, so I use this garlic press every day. It works very well, is easy to use, and is easy to clean. Compared with the garlic press I used before, this is more labor-saving and comfortable." —Jessica

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99(available in two colors).

    8. A roll ofmarble contact paperto give your home an instant dash of glamor. Reviewers like to use it on previously drab kitchen tables, bathroom counters, and Ikea furniture.

    To apply, just unroll, position where you want it, sloooowly smooth it down with a credit card, and then trim the excess. Oh, and don't forget to wipe down the area you're covering first so it sticks.

    Promising review: "I absolutely loved this contact paper. It completely transformed my countertop. It was super easy to apply, and if I messed up, it was extremely easy to redeem myself. I did this alone with no help, and I’m pretty proud of the outcome. Took me about 30 min to complete it. I used the whole roll of the smallest option, and it was enough for me. Super awesome, and I will be buying more of this contact paper soon when I transform another room in my home! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!" —Mariah

    Get it from Amazon for $4.49+ (available in six sizes).

    9. And a fancyswitch plate coverbecause HELLO everything in your home should be as fancy as you are. Luxury is just one screwdriver away.

    32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (13)

    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "This light switch cover is so beautiful, very easy to install, and feels like metal. It’s a lot sturdier and heavier than I thought it would be. I recommend this if you’d like to add details to your home to make it a little more whimsical." —Christina

    Get it from Amazon for $22.50+ (available in 13 styles and seven finishes).

    10. An interlocking tool that lets you maintain your locs at home. It allows you to get closer to the scalp without painful pulling or snagging and automatically adjusts to fit your loc size so you can extend the time between trips to the salon.

    Promising review: "I went from paying $165 and up per retightening to no longer having maintenance costs. If you have locs this is a must, even if it’s only used between appointments to freshen up your edges. It comes in a nice case and pouch, so between those two, I have not lost the tiny item yet. For me, this literally never happens because most small items I own are lost before I blink. Virtually pain-free compared to the sisterlock tool — because of its smooth coating, it glides easily through your locs. It is large enough to hold comfortably for hours because I am slow, and the instructions are easy to understand. I have small to medium sister locks and could not be happier with the new freedom I have." —Kiara Hepburn

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    11. An Erase-A-Hole putty to fill in pesky cracks in drywall, plaster, and wood so you can actually get that security deposit back, no matter how many holes you put into the wall. The super will not need to be called this time!

    The handheld applicator uses a custom formula that minimizes shrinking and withstands sanding.

    Promising review: "I love this stuff! It’s super easy to use, and it flawlessly [hides] anything from nail holes to larger drywall anchor holes. Bonus that my walls are white and I can even get away with not repainting if I do a clean job! I hope they never stop making this stuff." —bookworm

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97(also available in double packs).

    12. The I Love Trader Joe's Cookbookboasting 150 recipes that all incorporate ingredients found at everyone's favorite snack store. TJ's might not sell a lot of grocery staples, but they do have what you need to makechile and crab chowder, lamb loin with pomegranate reduction, and margarita pork chops!


    Promising review: "For Trader Joe's lovers everywhere, this is a fantastic cookbook! It is filled with hints and tips, shopping guidelines, nicely organized recipe categories, and beautiful mouthwatering pictures. I love how the recipes are noted if they are gluten-free or vegetarian, etc. I ❤ Trader Joe's and I ❤ this cookbook!" —Love My Bookish Life

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    13. ACatrice "Instant Awake" Under Eye Brightenertoexpertly conceal and brighten dark circles under your eyes. The lightweight, color-adapting formula blends so seamlessly under makeup that your old concealer will throw itself out.

    The color adaptive formula is designed so one of two shades will work on any skin tone.

    Promising review: "Took years off my eyes! This product is so reasonably priced. I came across aTikTokpromoting this and decided to take a chance since the price was super reasonable. My eyes looked brighter in a good way, and the concealer worked so well that I felt I looked younger. I got compliments from friends asking what I did differently with my makeup. I recommend it." —Monica T.

    Get it from Amazon for $6 (available in two shades).

    14. An adjustable rod that hangs onto the one in your closet so you can double your storage space in a flash. There's no mounting hardware — just unbox and hang!

    Promising review: "This is the best closet organizer. I originally bought a similar item that doesn't adjust, but this is 100 times better! Not only does it adjust vertically to fit whatever length of clothes, but it also adjusts its width, making it extremely functional no matter which closet you may want to use it in within your house. This makes it possible to switch and organize basically any closet!" —Ohgr8one

    Get it from Amazon for $18.87.

    15. Ashoe stretch sprayif you have a pair of gorgeous loafers or boots you love but never wear...because of the agonizing pain that comes with it. This spray will gradually stretch them out without staining or fading and is likely more effective than the freezer trick.

    Amanda Davis / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    BuzzFeed Shopping editorAmanda Davisswears by this spray. Check out her Foot Matters Shoe Stretch spray reviewfor more details! BTW, Foot Matters is a small business that specializes in shoe-stretching products.

    Promising reviews: "My sandals were awfully tight on the top of my feet. I tried everything before finally finding this spray. Nothing helped; there was no relief. Then I tried this spray, and it moved heaven and earth, and now my sandals are perfect!" —Swissharpist

    "I injured my foot a few months back, and most of my shoes don't fit. I've tried stretchers, hair dryer, wearing multiple socks — everything. I bought this stuff, and within a half hour, my problems were solved. Try this method first." —Susan Olson

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    16. A wildly popular hair serum packed with vitamin E, aloe vera, and argan oil to ensure your mane stays silky soft, and frizz-free, no matter how gross the weather gets.

    Promising review: "I found this product through a BuzzFeed article for those with frizzy hair and THIS PRODUCT DID NOT DISAPPOINT, PEOPLE! I put this serum through the ringer; I got this to stand up to Bay Area fog AND the nasty, humid heat wave we got a couple of weeks ago. No frizz, no extra curls. Nothing! On top of that, it made my hair super glossy. I'm very impressed. Heads-up though, a little goes a long way. One pump is enough to cover my hair and I have medium-length hair. Also, it can make your hair look oily if you use too much. I do have oily hair so working on my ends first then working to my roots works for me." —Jazmine Carbajal

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    To learn more, check out our full write-up of this serum.

    17. Apiercing bump solutionmade with oils, including jojoba, grapeseed, and rose, to help gradually reduce the appearance of bumps and scars. Now that keloids can be managed, it might be time for that cartilage piercing you've always wanted.

    This product does not promise to work overnight. Apply this daily two to three times a day as long as needed. Be sure to be patient as the healing process takes time!

    Talk to your doctor before attempting to treat your keloid on your own, and learn more about keloids fromCleveland Clinic.

    Promising review: "This product is amazing!! Truly amiracleproduct. I had an AWFUL keloid bump forming near my nose piercing about six weeks after getting it done, and it was just getting bigger and more irritated by the day; nothing was helping. I bought this stuff and started using it, and in less than two weeks, my huge keloid was completely gone!I was definitely skeptical and a little nervous when it didn’t seem to be getting noticeably smaller after a week, but then the second week, it started totally disappearing,so make sure to give it some time to work if your bump is on the larger side. If you remain patient and apply it twice a day, it should do the trick! Also smells pretty good, definitely no bothersome or overwhelming scent, which is appreciated in a product that I’m applying on the nose area." —Jordan Caprigno

    Get it from Amazon for $12.85(also available in multipacks).

    18. Slow cooker liners so you don't have to yank the heavy pot out of the cooker to clean it. You can also use the heat-resistant liners to make two hearty fall stews at once. Bags! Gotta love 'em.

    32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (29)


    Bonus! These are also great for cooking cheesecakes. Just wrap the pan in one before dipping it in the water bath to keep it nice and dry.

    Promising review: "This is a great deal on the multi-pack!!! Since trying these, I always use them when cooking in my Crockpot!! Cleanup is so, so easy. No mess, guaranteed!!!" —Sue

    Get six liners from Amazon for $5.79(available in three sizes and different sized packs).

    19. A set of thick velvet slipcovers to instantly transform your drab couch into something new and fabulous. Goodbye, stain-covered gray couch and HELLO new pink couch of my dreams.

    This set even comes with nonslip straps to ensure your new seats stay in place.

    Promising review: "I have never been so excited about a slipcover. Total transformation of our couch and loveseat. I was worried about it not working on our leather couch, but it stays on really well due to the straps and the separate cushion covers. LOVE." —Brian/Liz

    Get it from Amazon for $21.70 (available in five sizes and 15 colors).

    20. Liquid plant food that's pretty much a multivitamin for your houseplant. If your green little buddy isn't growing as much as you'd like, consider a couple of drops of this elixir!

    This works for all indoor and outdoor plants to encourage new growth. Just add seven drops to your watering can before watering.

    Promising review: "I bought this for a money tree plant that my cat ate all the leaves and completely destroyed. The first pic was a week or so after using the fertilizer as recommended, on April 7, and the second is May 4. Of course, I keep away from my cat at this point. Highly recommended fertilizer!" —CustomerAmazon

    Get it from Amazon for $9.

    21. A Cat Dancer toy you can waggle in front of your feline whenever you wanna give them a proper workout.

    Promising review: "I have a whole room filled with cat toys that my cat is not interested in. It's funny how the least expensive cat toy I have makes him go crazy. He plays with this until he's panting like a dog, and I have never seen him jump so high. I'm certain this toy will help him lose his belly. He loves it! I highly recommend it!" —Kwoo

    Get it from Amazon for $3.99.

    22. A set of itty-bitty dermaplaning razors that will make quick work of peach fuzz, stray hairs, and eyebrows in need of a touch-up. They're designed with micro-guards, which means you don't have to worry about nicking yourself, even if you don't have the steadiest hand. Now, you can extend the time between threading appointments — or skip them altogether.

    This tool also helps soften skin by gently exfoliating as you use it!

    Promising review: "These products have been a fantastic find for me. They're exceptionally gentle on sensitive skin, easy to handle, and they hardly leave any marks. Whenever I forget a touch-up on my eyebrows before heading to work, I always have them in my emergency bag, ready for a quick fix. They work effortlessly without needing additional oils or creams. It's truly the perfect solution for busy individuals on the go." —nikita khandheria

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $5.94(also in a set of nine).

    23. A set of ingenious sandwich cut-and-sealersso you can make your own Smucker's Uncrustables copycats at home. FINALLY we can all be reunited with the sadly discontinued grilled cheese variety.

    The set comes with a square, circle, and double triangle.

    Promising review: "My household loves Uncrustables and I was going broke trying to keep them in the freezer but these cutters/sealers have completelychangedthat. I just have to take some time each weekend to make a loaf of bread into PB&J sandwiches and throw them into baggies and into the freezer. Super easy to use, very straightforward. Definitely needed a little learning to not over fill the sandwiches but once you get the hang of the quantity to use everything will go quickly and smoothly." —Shaunda

    Get them from Amazon for $15.97.

    24. AHoward Products Feed-N-Wax wood polish and conditionerto give your furniture an impossibly lustrous shine previously never seen in your home.The carnauba wax and beeswax enhance and protect your wood from drying out so you can keep your great grandmother's rocking chair in tip-top shape with just a few swipes.

    Many reviewers started by using Restor-A-Finish to blend out minor scratches before finishing with the Feed-N-Wax. It's as simple as wiping on and off!

    Promising review: "I got this product a few hours ago from Amazon and now have shiny floors! It gave the really dull hardwood floors of my prewar NYCapartmentan impressive shine. Really impressive. A little goes a long way: I used only about two ounces to shine about 500 square feet of clean floors. Before using it on the floors, I tested the polish on anoldwooden side table that is scarred and needs sanding. It looked a lot better afterwards." —KindleCustomer2

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99+(available in three sizes).

    25. Apet brushwith thin, long teeth capable of getting to the undercoat. A good brushing means a silkier coat, which means less shedding, WHICH MEANS less vacuuming! My greatest wish is to go one day without cleaning up dog hair. :')

    Promising review: "Absolutely perfect for Nugget, my 9-month-old pug, it seems like he loves the feel of the brush because he happily sits for brushes. I can get about a baseball-sized collection of hair off of him and honestly, still can keep going. It leaves his fur nice and soft and the brush is super easy to keep clean. I highly recommend!" —Tiffany Sparto

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available for short/medium and long hair and in eight colors).

    26. Afloating bedside tableso you can keep all your nighttime essentials close by, even if you don't have room for a nightstand.The table clamps onto your bed frame, so there's no need to call your dad to borrow a drill. It holds up to 35 pounds (that's like 40 water bottles) and has a lifetime guarantee.

    32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (43)


    BedShelfie is a POC-owned small business that focuses on space-saving minimalist nightstands.

    Promising review: "This is perfect for a dorm room or a small apartment if you are trying to maximize your space. Honestly, it's great if you just want a bedside table that's as close as it can get. Nice quality, and it seems like it will hold up." —Samantha

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in four styles).

    27. Agel lint rollerdesigned to fitin the palm of your hand, making it easy to throw in a bag for quick refreshes. It's reusable (just wash the lint and fur off), making it way more convenient than a paper roller, too.

    Promising review: "I am really glad I purchased this product. It's just the right size to fit into a purse or glove compartment, and it's the perfect solution for quick touch-ups when you're on the go. I have a golden retriever, so the struggle to leave the house without any stray dog hair on my clothes is real! The roller ball is very sticky and allows you to clean up a decent amount of lint or hair, but it's not a large device, so bear in mind you won't be able to use it a ton before having to clean it. Cleaning is very easy. You just pop the sticky ball part out and rinse it.I loved mine so much I bought one for my mother and mother-in-law. Each of them has pets in the house, and my mom told me the other day that she has used hers many times and loves it." —Susan

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99(available in four colors and multipacks).

    28. A veggie spiralizer to create exciting noodles out of not-so-exciting vegetables. Zoodle alfredo, anyone??? Just pop your selected veggie in and crank the handle to take a trip to sweet potato carbonara.

    Promising review: "After reading about this product versus other ones, this product I can't say enough about! I have done zucchini, summer squash, and beets so far and with no effort it works just as stated. I only wish it came with a few recipes but there are plenty online. It adds a new variety to vegetables; you won't be sorry, it's great!" —Debbie Z.

    Get it from Amazon for $31.33.

    Check out our deep dive into the best spiralizers at every price point.

    29. A hair-finishing stick that works like a plant oil-covered mascara wand to flatten those annoying flyaway hairs on the back of your neck or around your hairline.

    Promising review: "I have super fine hair with lots of breakage. No matter how I put my hair up I have bad flyaways. This stuff is great! So easy, and it stays better and looks smoother than stiff hair spray." —Jill Stilfield

    Get it from Amazon for $7.98.

    30. Or an edge control gel to help lay edges and baby hairs for a sleek look without the unwanted flaking and residue. It hydrates and helps strengthen your hair with the power beeswax and castor oil,and can be used on both wet and dry hair.

    32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (50)


    BUT we want to add that no one should feel pressure to lay their edges, unless they way want to! Check out "Just A Friendly PSA That You Don't HAVE To Lay Your Edges Down If You Don't Wanna."

    Promising review: "Hands-down! The best edge control I have ever used and I have used a lot of them. Stayed all day! No flakes and non greasy! And this one is not even the strongest in the line. Love this product!" —Seabea2013

    Get it from Amazon for $7.50+ (available in two sizes).

    31. A sweet little fish who swims around in your humidifier tank, inhibiting the growth of buildup for up to 30 days. Now you can go longer between washes, and maybe avoid the dreaded brown sludge that appears in some humidifiers.

    Promising review: "Just drop this in your humidifier and it keeps the water pretty darn mildew and mold free. Super easy to use, no smell, and safe. I have already repurchased and given a few to other people as well." —Kristine

    Get it from Amazon for $5.98(also available in a two-pack).

    32. Soot sprite dryer balls that'll look sooo cute bouncing around in your dryer. Besides being adorable, theyreduce drying time, prevent wrinkles, and soften clothes, all without coating your stuff in a waxy residue like dryer sheets do.

    Dryer balls are eco-friendly *and* budget friendly because you can use them over and over. Friendsheep is a small business that sells dryer balls handmade by women in Kathmandu, Nepal.

    Promising review: "These are so incredibly cute! I love that they look like soot sprites! I used them today and noticed a significant decrease in drying time. No static, and able to be scented with essential oils. A great alternative to polyester, single-use dryer sheets." —Daria

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $18(also available in seven other designs).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    32 Things That Will Have A Big Impact On Your Life Despite The Low Impact To Your Wallet (2025)


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    Author: Madonna Wisozk

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    Views: 5401

    Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

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    Author information

    Name: Madonna Wisozk

    Birthday: 2001-02-23

    Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

    Phone: +6742282696652

    Job: Customer Banking Liaison

    Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

    Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.