1. Miami Vice 40th Anniversary interview with Cast and Crew - Articles
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https://www.emmys.com/news/features/miami-vice-oral-history A few excerpts: “Anthony Yerkovich: I told Universal I didn’t want to be committed as a showrunner for more than a season, and they brought in Michael Mann about six months after I wrote the script. For the first half of the first season...
2. Miami Vice at 40: An Oral History | Television Academy
12 sep 2024 · Anthony Yerkovich had just completed three seasons as a writer ... It was supposed to say “Trudy Joplin,” but it said “Big Booty Trudy.
Miami Vice burst onto the scene in Reagan-era 1984, a portrait of crime-fighting cool distinguished by trendsetting pastel colors, hot contemporary music and flashy cinematography. The show was an immediate standout for its stylish wardrobe, Italian sports cars and hip attitude — all in contrast to the grim, dangerous work of undercover detectives busting drug cartels and prostitution rings.
3. Anthony Yerkovich | Rotten Tomatoes
Explore the filmography of Anthony Yerkovich on Rotten Tomatoes! Discover ratings, reviews, and more. Click for details!
4. Video: Cool Cops, Hot Show | TIME
16 sep 1985 · ” Tartikoff presented the notion to Anthony Yerkovich, 34, formerly a writer and producer for Hill Street Blues, who related a movie idea he ...
With flashy visuals and a rock score, Miami Vice sets a new TV beat
5. Trudy "Big Booty" Joplin - Personnage Forces de l'ordre - Deux Flics à Miami
Olivia Brown interprêtera le rôle de Trudy "Big Booty" Joplin durant 111 épisodes. ... Anthony Yerkovich · Michael Mann · Réalisateurs · Lieux de tournage
Trudy "Big Booty" Joplin : "Ce n'est pas ce que je fais qui compte, mais ce que je suis" Trudy, dans La combine Trudy Joplin est l'une des deux femmes de la brigade. Son rôle est d'infiltrer les réseaux de prostitution et de trafic de stupéfiants. Pour cela elle fait équipe avec Gina. Sa fonction Au bureau, Trudy, est celle vers qui il faut se tourner pour éviter les méandres de l'informatique. Bien qu'elle paraisse capable de dénicher tout et n'importe quoi sur un ordinateur, un peu d'astuce lui suffit parfois "mon intelligence machiavélique m'a conseillée de consulter l'annuaire". Mais son rôle est surtout d'infiltrer les réseaux de prostitution et de trafic de stupéfiant du sud de la Floride. Pour cela Trudy fait équipe avec Gina. C'est pourquoi on les retrouve le plus souvent toutes les deux à arpenter les trottoirs de Miami. Une relation professionnelle mais aussi personnelle dans la mesure où les deux femmes sont également amies dans le privé. Les risques du métier Dans "Y'a pas de sot métier", Rico et Sonny enquêtent sur des prises d'otages au sein même de familles de trafiquants. Trudy se fait passer pour la femme de Tubbs qui endosse de son coté le rôle d’un dealer. Cette infiltration manque de lui couter la vie : enlevée, elle est ligotée à une bombe et ce n'est que grâce à un solide travail d'équipe qu'elle s'en sort. C'est au début de la seconde saison que Trudy fait véritablement ses premières armes dans "La combine" : Une opération qui échoue, u...
6. Anthony Yerkovich | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs - Tumgik
Universal Pictures considered keeping the film at PG-13 level to maximize audience appeal, but the big screen Miami Vice has to take the gloves off. It's a ...
Explore Tumblr posts and blogs tagged as #Anthony Yerkovich with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgik
7. Detective Work at 'Big Apple's' Core - Los Angeles Times
14 mrt 2001 · Co-created with partner Anthony Yerkovich, “Big Apple” is led by Ed ... But at its core, “Big Apple” is more than a serial of crime and ...
The CBS drama emphasizes the intricacies of good and evil. But is it too complex?
8. Miami Vice: 10 Things You Never Knew About The TV Show
21 okt 2019 · ... Anthony Yerkovich is the one who came up with the concept. He wrote ... Not only did the show have a big influence on fashion, but it also ...
Back in the 1980s, Miami Vice changed the medium of television, but there are some cool facts that fans don't know about the series.
9. Nicholas Anthony Yerkovich Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information
I know that big daddy Nick was one of the Worlds Greatest Father anyone could ever have. I would like to thank Lorraine, Juanique and Bobby for being at his ...
Share Memories and Support the Family.
10. Hollywood Confidential (1997): Off the Record and Very Hush-Hush.
15 mrt 2023 · Dave takes a look at a solid telepic and traces the career of its writer, Anthony Yerkovich: a talent whose stabs at small and big screen success didn't always ...
Dave takes a look at a solid telepic and traces the career of its writer, Anthony Yerkovich: a talent whose stabs at small and big screen success didn’t always work out.
11. 'Little Russ' and me - Times Herald-Record
13 jun 2004 · ... Big Russ and Me'? That Tim Russert?" I smile and say, "Yup." I ... Tony Yerkovich, the guy who created "Hill Street Blues," was in my ...
When I tell people I went to high school in Buffalo with Tim Russert, they look at me funny and ask: "You mean the guy who's always out there interviewing presidents and talking away with Don Imus on…
12. Hot and Bothered | The New Yorker
23 jul 2006 · Anthony Yerkovich created the series, but Michael Mann, as executive producer, brooded over it like the Holy Ghost, bringing together and ...
“Miami Vice” and “Little Miss Sunshine.”
13. Michael Mann's 'Miami Vice' Is A Flawed Crime Epic
16 jul 2020 · Mann was an executive producer on the show, which was created by Anthony Yerkovich, who is the E.P. of this movie. But things changed for the ...
Remakes are often tired and redundant, but Michael Mann’s 2006 adaptation of the TV show Miami Vice is anything but that. The show is known for its charming cast, stylish clothes and new wave…
14. Miami Vice — Full Archive - Andrew Stuttaford
16 aug 2006 · Most credit the TV executive who had the idea about “MTV cops,” but Anthony Yerkovich, the show's creator, has reportedly said that the ...
August 16, 2006 by Andrew Stuttaford in tv reviews
15. How Miami Vice launched the '80s on TV, then died with its decade
2 aug 2012 · ... Anthony Yerkovich. But Yerkovich has always claimed that even before ... As for Tartikoff's “MTV Cops” suggestion—well, he wasn't taking that big ...
How Miami Vice launched the ’80s on TV, then died with its decade
16. Neon Noir: How Miami Vice Helped Me Navigate My Tropical Nightmare
15 feb 2022 · ... Anthony Yerkovich, Brazil, Don Johnson, Gabriel Leão, Miami Vice ... From my early years, I became used to big politicians and business ...
Miami Vice (1984-1989) On a sultry night at the docks of Miami, the shootout ends. Undercover cop James “Sonny” Crockett is cradling Evan Freed, a former friend who gasps for words; Crockett’s partner, Ricardo “Rico” Tubbs, tries to comfort Sonny by throwing his hand over his shoulder. This image in the episode “Evan” from the [...]
17. Miami Vice - Chicago Reader
21 jul 2006 · There's not much Miami but loads of vice in Michael Mann's big-screen adaptation of the 80s TV series he created with Anthony Yerkovich—in ...
There’s not much Miami but loads of vice in Michael Mann’s big-screen adaptation of the 80s TV series he created with Anthony Yerkovich—in particular the vice of a gifted director letting his talent go to seed. The pacing and proportion of Heat (1995) and the feeling for place and character evident in Collateral (2004) have […]