2,218 reviews188 followers
where to read: inkr This volume has an overwhelming amount of information. It hasn't been that long since I read the last volume, but I spent the beginning of this a little confused since it just immediately goes into all this info. So it's definitely better read immediately after volume 3. The messaging in this can be a little heavy handed, but the connection of the real world and how it affects this fantasy world is interesting. They talk about war, the fight for gay marriage, and the control of powerful people. Also it's went into the topic of childhood sexual abuse. I actually really liked how that was done. Elva is learning about things that he was sheltered from and there's a moment where he's like oh that's what was done to me? All he knew was how it had made him feel, but didn't understand the act. It's such a realistic depiction. I also love that it's not shown at all. Just alluded to. There's so many things I've read that graphically depict abuse when it's so unnecessary. Like you can easily show it without actually showing it. Anyway, Elva and Alto are my precious babies and I'll probably be waiting a while for volume 5, but I can't wait to learn more about their world and I really want to see them get further in their relationship.
- 01-read-in-2024-jan age-older-ya-or-na genre-bl
421 reviews9 followers
4⭐️ - Why did we all know that something like this was on the horizon and yet it's just as horrible once revealed!? After getting cucked for the main couples first time again (though rightfully so since Elva is going through it) we just get sadness and horrible stuff heaped on top of each other literally on the last page too. Good god we are just all going to suffer and wait now for a new novel too.
100 reviews1 follower
Es una maravilla. Cada tomo me gusta más.
Jo Álvarez
40 reviews
Reseña de los cuatro tomos de una:
1) plottwist muuuuy plottwist, quedé loca.
2) como que no odio a nadie(? Todos unos icons.
3) sigo loca con el plottwist, merece ser mencionado de nuevo.
4) snk, pero no se parece en nada a snk.
Conclusión, ojalá sean todos felices (porfis)
Pd. Me había dicho que no iba a poner los mangas que me leo, pero este lo valía. Necesito que todos sepan que yo se que es rancio ponerlos‼️
365 reviews28 followers
Wow. This volume was so good. Finding out who Alto was being the most shocking. I knew he had to be something special, but I was not guessing that. In other thoughts - I hope we get to see the monastery taken down. ”Those nuns are so selfish. They preach about the sanctity of life while standing on a pile of corpses.”
96 reviews
Fany Herondale
429 reviews8 followers
- 2024 manga
Beck B
73 reviews1 follower
So much information given in this volume. The more that's revealed, the more it draws me in. Excited and super curious to see where it goes.
- manga
1,192 reviews40 followers
I have the same response every time I finish a volume of this series: not entirely sure I know what's going on, but I'm intrigued! There is a lot more info-dumping in this one, though, including a more complete explanation of the outside world and how the island works. And we finally get an answer on Alto's powers and immunity to the Black Sea. A lot still doesn't totally make sense; if the outside world is basically exactly like the current world we all live in, how did this little island suddenly develop so many supernatural mysteries? The sea wasn't always black and full of monsters, so was it some sort of an experiment? And why is it all run by a church? The narrative flow continues to be weirdly choppy, jumping between different characters from one page to the next, and I don't really understand what happened to Manieri. I thought he was just going on a little day trip outing. But he seems to have been gone for ages, so was this some longer journey? It's weird little bits like those that go unexplained. He's my favorite character at this point, though. So incredibly funny. I loved every scene he was in, and every time the panels went cartoonish with the reactions. It provides a nice balance to the darkness of the rest of the story. This time we're delving a lot into Elva, who's a rare kannagi who's lived long enough to start seriously thinking about his place in the world and how to start disrupting it. He's questioning his purpose as the islander's defender and beginning to wonder if he's just perpetuating a system that's ultimately hurting everyone, not just the kannagi who die for their cause. His toolshed assault backstory honestly felt unnecessary. Like he needed more trauma? It helps to explain some of his intimacy issues with Alto, but there were plenty of ways of accomplishing that. While it also showed Shiyan's clinical detachment and interest in seeing what happens around him without ever interfering for good for bad, that was also present in a lot of other examples. I find a lot of the characters in this series interesting, including Nina, Shiyan's wife, whose secrets we know now, too. Very interested to see whether Alto tells Elva what he's discovered; it's not like he can separate himself from Elva now without the stains overtaking him again, so he can't just disappear for angsty reasons like he would in a typical series. Honestly have no idea how this is going to conclude, though. Even if they reenter the world outside their island, will things really be that much better for them? I guess we'll see.
- manga owned publisher-tokyopop
456 reviews3 followers
Alto prende possesso della bellissima copertina di questo quarto volume, e ha ben donde, viste le rivelazioni contenute al suo interno che lo riguardano molto da vicino.
I misteri che avvolgono l'isola si stanno districando sempre più grazie alle azioni di tutti, ma c'è ancora molto di taciuto. Per quanto provi simpatia verso Leti, sono convinta che lei nasconda le reali motivazioni che la spingono ad aiutare Elva e gli altri sacerdoti. Nina è disturbante in tutto ciò che dice e fa, ma il peggiore tra tutti in questo volume è il disgustoso e ignavo Chillon.
Un volume denso in cui si avvicendano rivelazioni cruciali e dove drammaticità e romanticismo si intrecciano in modo estremamente bilanciato.
- drammatico fantasy manga
236 reviews
Band 5 ist angekündigt für März 2025, wie soll ich so lange warten?! Und dann endet der Manga auch noch auf so einen fiesen Cliffhanger! Lullaby of the dawn wirklich ein ganz besonderer Manga. Auch wenn er Boys love ist, ist die Story so viel mehr als nur die Beziehung zwischen Elva und Alto. Man versetzt sich stark in die Handlung, freut sich, wenn man mit seiner Vermutung richtig liegt und leidet mit den Charakteren. Ich brauche jetzt erstmal einen Moment, um zu verkraften, dass ich so lange auf den nächsten Band warten muss.
Wobei die zwei wirklich Zucker sind.
- manga
ℂ ✧
2,113 reviews
Després d'un volum que ja gairebé havia oblidat, la història continua amb un munt de girs de guió, dubtes i un lore cada cop més complicat. Suposo que mentalment havia classificat aquesta sèrie com un BL de fantasia, però té elements distòpics i de ciència ficció que em van costa molt d'encaixar en el 3r volum i que ara tenen una millor cabuda. Punt positiu sempre la parella de l'Alto i l'Eva, que són adorables i s'estimen amb bogeria ❤️ només espero que acabi bé i tothom sigui feliç :')
- 2024 manga-còmic-graf queer
Ade Fraser
452 reviews
Tras el tremendo plot twist del final del 3 continuamos con más descubrimientos y más misterios.
Lo de Alto lo estaban dejando caer a lo largo del tomo, muy bien hilado. Aún flipo con lo del mar y anda que no quedará por descubrir
Elva diciéndole a Alto que esperen a la siguiente luna, les adoro jajajaja me encantan la pareja tan bonita que hacen.
El final vuelve a ser increíble dejándote con ganas de más como acostumbra este manga!
Author3 books45 followers
La storia continua a evolversi e in particolare iniziano a rivelarsi nuovi pezzi relativi al mistero dell'isola di Alto e di Elva, anche se non si riescono ancora a unire in un'unica risposta e non vedo l'ora di saperne di più.
Si è inoltre scoperta la vera natura di Alto e dei suoi poteri e sinceramente adesso ho paura per quello che farà...Sento già il cuore di Elva spezzarsi.
Attendo con ansia l'uscita del quinto volume!
Elaine White
Author43 books259 followers
This volume delves more into the world construct, about how and why things are happening behind the scenes, who he Lord and the nuns are and how their behaviour impacts the other characters. I don't want to say too much, because there was a lot going on in this volume. But, what an ending! There were so many huge revelations, but that ending was a spectacular ending! TRIGGERS: war, child abuse, PTSD
Vivienne Beloved
256 reviews
questo volume mi ha sconvolta!
Non solo ci vengono rivelati momenti del passato di Elva, ma vengono a galla verità che riguardano il mondo esterno e lo scopo dell'esistenza dei sacerdoti. Ma non basta!
Ciò che mi ha lasciato più basita è la vera natura di Alto. Voi ve lo aspettavate? Io no! Ora sono davvero preoccupata e spaventata dei possibili sviluppi.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,714 reviews38 followers
CW: memories of SA The team is finally getting some answers this volume! Elva and Alto are working on their communication and commitment. I liked getting to know the other Kannagi better. There's a lot of religion getting mixed up into the mythology and history of the Kannagi, which feels unnecessary. This volume ends on a few cliffhangers.
- read-comics
Selena Flamariel Bambozzi
58 reviews
Questa storia è sempre più intrigante!!, e in questo 4° volume, dopo svariate e pericolose ricerche sulla verità riguardo al collegamento tra i sacerdoti e il "mare nero", viene rivelata una verità a dir poco scioccante!!
Voglio immediatamente il 5° volume!!!!
Ps. Alto è sempre più bello...
- finito
1,051 reviews63 followers
Un tomo muy intenso donde se desvelan muchos secretos de la isla relacionados con el worldbuilding de la historia. Además, vemos cosas del pasado de Elva y su relación con Chillon. Así mismo, también descubrimos una verdad sobre Alto que hará que la trama tome un nuevo giro.
147 reviews
I've been keeping this volume waiting for months. I picked it up and devoured it! So much mystery, and what a twist in the story this has taken. And how does it end this way? Aaaahhh the author is making me anxious, but this story is becoming so phenomenal that it's impossible to stop reading.
Savannah Fisher
4 reviews
Omg!!! So good!!! Had me reeling!!! I for sure screamed!!! This is where the story starts to pick up more!!!
- nook
96 reviews
Such a great volume!!!!
B. Jean
1,383 reviews25 followers
WILD. That ending was so good too. Ahhhh, when's the next? This series has such beautiful art.
- fantasy fiction lgbt
Cynthia Marie
194 reviews
3.5 ⭐
104 reviews1 follower
Nuove rivelazioni che aprono la strada a nuovi sipari!
Veronica Pappolla
261 reviews2 followers
Mamma che angst! Ennesimo plot twist da paura e chissà quando vedremo il prossimo volume! DAJE DAJE adesso che Elva glielo dava! XDD Povero Alto!
- manga yaoi-shonen-ai
234 reviews
4.5 stars The story is really picking up now. Can’t wait for the next volume
Rynnie B.
22 reviews3 followers
I absolutely love Alto and Elva and curse every a-hole in this story who keeps trying to come between them.
- bl manga mystery
72 reviews
In questo volume ci sono i plot twistoni. Apprezzo che ci sia un progresso sia nella trama sia nella relazione tra Alto e Elva, le due cose sono ben bilanciate. Prevedo casini nel prossimo volume
301 reviews
Amazing, thrilling and darkly lovable nonetheless
- 2024